Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014

It's been so long since I've posted, I'll never be able to reflect all the wonderful things the kids have done since last summer.

Ben is so smart, almost too smart for me.  I find it so amazing and entertaining to hear him expanding his vocabulary.  I can tell that he is thinking of ways to use new words he's learned, either from his Pre-K teachers or from the tv.  Off hand, I can remember him using the words imagination and defense.  He says something like "oh, I thought the water was blue, but it was just my imagination".  Two nights ago, he said "I tooted on Daddy, that was a good defense, right?....just like a skunk."  For a while, he's been using the word "misspoke".  When he says something incorrectly, he'll then say "I mispoke".  That is one that I taught him....because he holds me to everything I say so literally.  I love to hear him sharing all of the things he is learning.  On random mornings on the way to school, he'll make sure I know that it is nighttime in China.

Rebecca is very funny to me too.  Sometimes, she just won't stop talking....very different from the little girl of last winter who went to the speech therapist to assess her speech delay.  She'll say, after I've told her to be quiet, "Mommy, I have a question."  When we go to the grocery store, just she and I together, she will talk the whole way up and down the aisles!  This past weekend, she and I went together (because Ben was on punishment and home with Daddy).  She chose to ride in the cart with the car attached to the front, not surprisingly.    Then, throughout the produce section, she had to get in and out of the car at every stop to select our fruit and vegetiables, or at least bag them and put them in the cart (which I had to pick her up to do).  Thankfully, she got more satisfied just staying put for the last half of the trip.  She did point out that we needed yogurt, and picked up a 6 pack of smoothies for us.

Becca loves to write.  She doesn't really make any letters yet, so it's mostly scribble.  But she holds the pen very well, always has from the first time she picked one up.  She likes to doodle on the white board and on paper, and she especially likes to get a pad of paper, preferrable spiral bound, and pretend to be a waitress.  She askes "what do you like" or "what do you order".  Sometimes, she tells me she's out of whatever it is I might ask for.  She also loves playing with the kitchen and all the play food we have....especially as she's filling orders from the restaurant.  A few times, she has used her cart with two back wheels to transport plates of real food from the kitchen to the morning room to put on the table...thankfully no broken dishes yet!  I'm hoping this continues and I'll have a really good helper in the kitchen someday.  Since Christmas, when Becca received several dolls from a combination of Santa and aunt Glenda, Becca has enjoyed pushing the stroller - both inside and at least once she's taken it outside...pretending to be taking her baby for a walk.  Becca is a great pretender...she also likes to pretend she's a grown up and going to work, sometimes wearing a pair of my shoes.  One really funny evening when she had some jogging-like shorts on, she said she was going jogging and started running laps in the house through the kitchen, foyer, dining and living rooms...our perfect circle for running around and around.

Ben still likes playing with his superheroes.  He's really started liking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles though too.  He's enjoyed one of the movies he got from Aunt Lacie for Christmas along with the pajamas she gave him.  It helps that he took a Tae Kwon Do class through Primrose this winter.  He will demonstrate various poses in the evening, occasionally, and pretend to be a ninja.  One night, he got very elaborate with it and asked me to tie a black sash around his forehead.  That, along with a sword on his back, made him look the part.  He ran around on the sectional making what he thinks are Ninja poses.

Ben and Becca both probably watch too much tv.  They regularly enjoy some show in the morning on the iPad at the table, and fight just a little about whose turn it is to pick the show.  It was such a cold and wet winter, that we were inside alot the last few months.  Ben has started liking Scooby Doo cartoons (which we now record), Wild Kratts (he's liked for a while), and he's just started watching some Looney Toons on Cartoon Network.  Becca still likes Dora the Explorer and then she'll go through phases where she watches the same type of show exclusively...Daniel Tiger was her exclusive favorite for a few weeks, and then she lost interest.  Either before or after that, it was Tro-Tro.  She dabbled a little in Strawberry Shortcake and has watched some Care Bears too.  They both like Peppa Pig.

Something I think is absolutely hilarious is how Ben will listen intently to commercials on the tv, and want to do exactly what the commercial says.  If a show is being advertised, he'll let me know that we need to be around at "8/7 Central"...or he'll ask me on a Saturday if it's a weekday, because the show comes on every weekday.  One I thought was especially funny is when he said he wanted to "bring our home to life"....perhaps that was something her heard on HGTV.

August 27, 2013

We made a trip to the farm in July with Renee and her kids - Ben and Kelly both showed they could jump off of the diving board and swim by themselves to the ladder...initially Glenda there to catch them and help them begin swimming but eventually they were both doing it by themselves

Ben went up to Level 5 in July, and showed that he could swim almost the length of the pool by himself bobbing his head in and out of the water.  He really turned a corner becoming able to tread water by himself and swim by himself.

Becca is a master imitator - imitating Ben and me mostly.  Becca has been saying "it's too sunny."

Ben and Becca have also started jumping on Ben's bed at bedtime.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

July 2, 2013

Wow, how the last few months have flown by!  It was a cool damp spring mostly, and we've had a decent amount of rain and several storms in June.  I can't believe it is already July!

Ben has been taking swimming lessons since early April.  He had a rough first morning, having gone with Daddy.  I hear he cried and found a way out of the lesson by convincing Daddy he had to go the bathroom.  I took him to the second lesson, and he seemed like he would be fine...that is until he crossed the threshold into the pool area and looked at me as tears welled up in his eyes.  I told him I would be closeby, until the instructor said it would be better if he couldn't see me.  After a little while, he settled down and actually had a good lesson.  He's taken an 8 day fast track and now takes weekly lessons on Tuesday mornings at 9am.  He is doing great and enjoys going to his lessons.  A couple of weeks ago though he did worry about having to do the "roll over", saying he didn't want to do it.  That's where he has to be treading water and then roll over to his back and keep his head above water in the process.  Sometimes he sinks down and I think might get water in his nose.  They practice it each week, and he's definitely get better at the rollover and can do superman hands and scooper arms for short distances.  The problem is that he doesn't transfer much that he's learned to the pool at home. 

But oh how he loves going to the pool!  Unfortunaetly, opening day on Memorial Day weekend was after a cool and wet week, with the morning itself being quite cool.  Many people joined the parade in regular clothes and jackets.  The weather didn't put a damper on  Ben's excitement, which we'd been helping him build for weeks. He joined the parade in his swim trunks and on his bicycle, and rode all the way to the pool.  He had little interest in the firetruck, because he wanted to enter the pool as soon as the gates opened at 10am.  He was the first person into the cold pool water and didn't seem phased by it.  In fact, he looked estatic, smiling and laughing!  I was the only adult in the pool with him, and thankfully didn't have to get myself totally submerged.  Ben had fun for about 15 minutes, at which time I think he realized how terribly cold he'd gotten.  He spent the next 15-30 minute wrapped in his towel in fetal position in Daddy's lap, while Becca splashed around in the shallow end.  Ben recovered from the first day and has loved going to the pool at every opportunity ever since.  The water is of course a lot warmer now, but definitely had a chill in it through the first half of June!  Ben loves diving for his torpedos, going down the slide, and lately he's loved jumping off the side in the "deep end" (5ft), with me there to help him make it back to the side or to help him out of the water.  He does well under the water swimming, which he seems to love moving around under water, he has a hard time keeping his head above water though.  And of course, he's not using the "strokes" he's learning in swim class.

Becca loves the pool too, and lately has insisted on going to Ben's swimming lessons to watch (and avoid going to school first thing in the morning).  She is wearing Henry's old orange floatie int he pool, and that allows her to kick around wherever she wants.  She likes to jump in from the top step and is starting to enjoy jumping in while holding my hands.  Otherwise, she kinda climbs in from the side and thinks that's jumping.

Becca is still very independent and likes to dress herself, especially refusing help from Daddy and only letting Mommy help once she's realized she needs it.  The other night, when putting on her big girl underwear, she asked once she got started if it was backwards by simply saying "backwards?" ....and it was, which is not uncommon.  Now she's using a phrase "is this backwards?".

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 2013

Winter is actually flying by pretty fast.  I've been working full time, as a contractor through Feb 11, and then converted to permanent.  However, I was able to get a few days off here and there to spend with Ben and Becca, which we tried to make the most of with trips to the Children's Museum.

Becca seems to be enjoying school.  We have settled into a morning routine where Daddy takes her to school, and I think that has brought them closer together.  She used to fuss a little, but now goes right along with him, usually while Ben and I are still at home.  She is talking so much more now!  At her 2 year appt, the pediatrician suggested I consider speech therapy.  I took her to an evaluation in on Feb 21, and she charmed the pants off of everyone.  At first, true to form, she was very shy and wouldn't look, much less talk, to any of the 3 therapists in the room.  She just clung to me and hid her face smiling sheepishly.  But then once one of them gave her a book, she started naming animals and objects by sight or by repeating what I said.  She said more words than I've ever heard from her, including horse, goat, and even butterfly!  She has been saying some 2-word phrases for a while, with her favorites being "I do" and "I lay", and then an occasional "Mommy help".  Just last night she used a 3-word phrase, but now I can't remember what it was.

Becca is still extremely independent, and wants to take her own coat off, and recently has started wanting to put her shirt and pants on herself.  She's done it successfully a few times, but it's not an easy task for her yet.  Lately, she's fascinated by pockets, and sometimes asks if her clothes have them before putting them on.  Unfortunately, it comes out "poppa", so it took me a while to figure out what she was asking.  If she has a shirt or pants with pockets, she gets excited and tries to put her hands inside them!  She really gets excited about her polka dot jacket with the pockets in front.  She also likes wearing tights, at least some days, and came downstairs on a morning Daddy was in charge of her outfit in only and a pair of tights on her bottom half and a short sleeved Disney princess shirt over a long sleeve t-shirt.  She seemed to think that was a perfectly appropriate outfit, saying "tights" out loud to announce that's what she had on.  Luckily, she was agreeable to putting a skirt I found in her closet over top of them!

Becca is still eating very well, always better than Ben in terms of variety.  This weekend though was the first time in a year that she's been under the weather, and along with some very mild throwing up a couple of times Saturday morning, she hasn't had much of an appetite the last couple of days...with it seeming to come back mostly by Monday.  She slept alot this weekend, having periods with high energy in between but I think wearing herself out each time.

Ben and all of the younger cousins (everyone except Chase) went to see Mary Poppins on Saturday, while Becca stayed home with Daddy, sleeping mostly.  Lacie brought the kids in during the morning, so Becca was using everything she had to play and keep up with Kelly and Ben, so Becca was zonked once we left for the play.  But earlier in the morning, the kids had a great time playing together, putting stickers and coloring with markers all over the big toy kitchen box that previously served as a space ship but that morning had transformed into Jordan's house.  Jordan lay fairly still horizontally inside the box while the kids moved all around and over him finding spots to place stickers or scribble with markers.

At the play, Ben sat in my lap the whole time to get a better view, and seemed to really enjoy it, especially the singing and dancing, but he faded and fell asleep during the middle 45 minutes or so, which included the intermission.  While awake though, he watched intently...and also ate a huge bucket of popcorn and sipped on his Spite pretty intently.  When he awoke just as the play was beginning the 2nd Act, he asked for his popcorn back and began snacking on it again!  I thought that his enthusiastic clapping right along with the rest of the audience was particularly cute!  After the play, Ben and Kelly rode with me back home and watched a Pooh movie with Becca while waiting for a pizza to be delivered.  Ben still gets so excited to see the pizza delivery man!

Ben is still enjoying his new school.  He gets a lot of really good reports from his teachers, either commenting to me or putting in an official "Happy Gram".  He participates really well in the activities and I'm told he's the best napper in the class, getting his chicky and going right to sleep at nap time.  I wish he was that agreeable on the weekends at home!  Ben is playing "Redskins" with Myles on the playground, at least that's what they did throughout football season.  I'm not sure what the game entails, but apparently something at least mildly resembling a pretend football game where they pretend to throw the ball and to run after it.  Ben loves the Redskins zip up sweatshirt that Lara and Eddie got him for Christmas, wearing it almost every day and making a desperate plea to leave his heavy coat at home each morning.  I finally wised up and started leaving his heavy coat at school to avoid his mild fits about me bringing it along for when he's on the playground.   Apparently he would give the teacher no trouble though about wearing it (over his Redskins jacket of course) out on the playground, he saves all of that for Mommy!  Yesterday, I picked Ben up a little early to take him for a haircut, finding him and his class on the playground.  Ms Jones told me that he and a little group of boys are saying poddy words on the playground...which I'm not surprised since "poopy" is Ben's favorite word at home too!  She wasn't upset, acknowledging her son did the same thing at that age.

Ben is involved in gymnastics and just started a soccer skills activity at his school.  When I talked about gymnastics with him at home before his weekly class started, he was very upset and scared about having to do it, saying "I'm going to fall".  Apparently he was a little timid the first day of class when being asked to line up to leave his normal classroom, but by the 2nd or 3rd class he bolts away from whatever he is doing when gymnastics is announced!  I hope to go observe him this Friday; the teachers have said it is an amazing class.  He had his first soccer class yesterday.  Two nights ago when I told him a soccer player was coming to visit at his school he got very excited saying "you signed me up!", which I thought him knowing the concept of "signing up" was cute. 

Ben is still playing alot with his matchbox cars, enjoying using his "road" rugs he got for Christmas to line them up.  He and Becca both like their new kitchen and like setting out a blanket for a "picnic" on the floor.  Becca enjoys playing with her shape sorter, and especially likes her writing board and likes using a real pen to write in her note pads.  She really is amazing at how well she holds a pen.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Fall 2012

It's been over 3 months since I've posted, way too long.  Ben, Becca, and (especially) I really enjoyed the end of the summer with me being off from work until after Labor Day.  Similar to the first half of August, the last half included a few trips to the farm, including at least one where we "slept 2 times" there, mostly at Ben's suggestion.  Ben continued to really enjoy the pool throughout the summer up until Labor Day, the last day it was open for the season, and then a couple more times at Grandma Nita's on warm days in September.  He continued to get better in the water, divng for his torpedoes or other toys and jumping off the diving board with no help from me, just his life jacket.  One afternoon, we joined Lara at her neighborhood pool for a change of scenery.  We all had a great time, partly because it was something new.  But Ben also liked that they had a snack bar.  I made the mistake of suggesting that we try jumping off of the diving board, which our pool doesn't have, but the lifeguard informed us that Ben couldn't jump off using his life jacket.  He was all ready to take it off and jump completely unassisted, but with 11 ft deep water, I wasn't about to let that happen.  Ben was so upset about it, crying so much.  I felt so sorry for my little guy...he wanted more than anything to jump off of that diving board.  He was ready to go to Grandma Nita's pool right then and there to get the chance to jump off one!  Becca is really enjoying the water too, usually with the orange floatie we inherited from Henry around her chest.  She sometimes resists wearing it, but once she has it on, she can be pretty independent paddling around by herself.

The month of September meant back to "school" after a month off, for both Ben and Becca.  Becca fell right back into her routine in Mrs. Dawn's class.  She would cry many days after being dropped off, but would cheer up after just a few minutes.  Each day we get a report about how good a day she has.  Ben went right into a new class when he got back, leaving Mrs Katrina and Ms Sasha after practically a full year in Preppers, and entering Preschool 1 along with the rest of his classmates.  It was always so cute how Ben identified with being a "prepper", and would often refer to himself as one.  This was the first time though that he wasn't in class with is best friend William, who just made the age cut for Preschool 2.  I'd been thinking about looking into other schools for Ben.  I wasn't totally thrilled with his teacher and the fact that he was already away from William made the decision a tad bit easier to move him to Primrose, where I'd heard really good things from another TLE family that had moved there during the summer.  Ben enrolled in Primrose School right after we returned from our late September trip to Disney World (which warrants its own post entirely!).  He had a great first day in his new class with Ms Slockbower and Ms Jones.  The 2nd day was a rough drop off though, which the teachers weren't so surprised about after the novelty wore off.    Probably within the first week, he started talking about his new friend Myles, whose table Ben was assigned to, at least for that week.   His teachers said they hit it off immediately, playing together in the classroom and on the playground.  Over 2 months into school at Primrose, Ben almost exclusively talks about Myles, similar to how he only talked about Willam at TLE.  I'm happy that Ben has a close friend, but concerned sometimes that he appears to be so exclusive with one other boy.  He mentions Lukie, Joseph, and has once mentioned Cooper, so hopefully he is also making friends with them.  He claims he has no girls in his class, even telling me that Claire wasn't in his class.  I know it's majority boys, but there are a few girls in there with him.  Seems that he's spending all of his play time doing "boy" stuff.

Becca turns 2 in 2 weeks.  It seems just a short time ago that she was turning 1, what a fast year!  She's saying a limited number of words...far fewer than I think Ben was saying at that age...but then she does have Ben that may be speaking for her.  She likes to say Mama, Dada, and Bay (Ben)...and can also say milk and juice. 

There has been an abundance of funny things coming from Ben lately.  He is so much fun to talk to and has some very cute things to say from his very limited and very literal perspective.  Once when attempting to teach him his right side from his left, I pointed out which arm was his "right arm", after which he pointed to his other arm and asked "is this my wrong arm?"  One afternoon while driving, I looked up in the sky and commented that "we have some rain clouds on our hands", to which he said, "no they're in the sky."  He's very quick to correct me when I've mispoken in his view, one recent example is when I referred to there being dirt on the dog's clothes in the story we were reading, and he pointed out that it was really mud.  Speaking of books, when reading some of this favorites, Ben still shares that he wants to "jump in the book" or "be in the picture", which I agree would be fun.

Ben has started a peculiar habit recently of changing his clothes multiple times per day, especially on weekends.  I think it started with wanting to change every time he got his shirt a little bit wet, but it has progressed to just wanted to change, sometimes with no reason at all.  As soon as he gets home from school, he wants to put "comfortable clothes" on, which usually consist of soft cotton shorts and a tshirt, no underwear usually.  Now on the weekends, he wants to wear shorts and a tshirt around the house, and will grudgingly change into pants and long sleeved shirt to go outside.  But as soon as he comes back in, he wants to put on shorts again!  One Sunday morning while gathering things to go to the farm for the day, Ben packed an entired dryer load of clothes into two re-usable bags, intending to take them both to Nitas.  I was able to get out of the house with just one them! 

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 2012

Ben and Rebecca have really enjoyed Christmas this year, especially Ben since he's at the age where he can really talk about what's going on.  Rebecca seemed to know who Santa Claus is though, and that he was going to bring her a present or two.  We had 3 advent calendars going, two with ornaments that had to be fished out of tiny little boxes and one simpler one with a tree that had to move to a new pocket each day as Christmas drew closer. They usually took turns pulling the ornaments out of two of them, while Ben was usually the one moving the Christmas tree to the right pocket on the simpler one.  It helped build Ben's excitement for Christmas and helped helped him recognizehis numbers a little bit better too.

Ben is learning alot in his preschool class of his new school, probably a combination of what I think are better teachers at his new school and his growing level of maturity.  It amazes me the things he can remember and details he can recall from his past experiences.  We got a kick out of him coming home and singing the draedel song.  When we are driving around at night noticing the Christmas lights, he will comment about those houses without lights by saying "they don't celebrate Christmas".  I'm assuming he's learning about some diversity at his school!

We've been meaning to start going to a church nearby, but haven't gotten ourselves organized and motivated to find one we like.  As a small substitute, I pulled out some books about the Christmas story to read to Ben and Becca at night.  I was surprised at how interested Ben was in the story and his ability to follow it.   He seemed especially interested in how King Herod was the bad guy and refers to him whenever he sees a picture of a king.  He also gets excited and points out baby Jesus every time that he saw a nativity.  Last night, I was singing songs to them in bed and after "We Three Kings" he reminded me that the kings were "wisemen". 

Ben and Becca seemed to really like the live Nativity we took them to about a week before Christmas at Lara's church, Discovery Methodist.  They especially liked the live animals that paraded in and out during the service.  There were all kinds of animals - a large white rabbit, a baby lion, a calf, sheep, llamas, camels, tigers, and an old lion named Bubba.  They both also enjoyed seeing the animals after the show, either fenced in or in their cages.  Then almost 2 weeks later, Ben and I were reading a book and came accross a boy nicknamed Bubba, and Ben said "like the lion". 

We went back to that church for a short Christmas Eve service, and both of the children were very good listening to the Christmas music.  Ben enjoyed holding the candle (until he got some hot wax on him I think) and putting the offering money in the little red wagon.

They went to see the Legenday Santa Claus at the Children's Museum about a week before Christmas.  I was surprised how well they did, neither crying and both willing to sit on Santa's lap.  Ben asked for a Batman toy and a scooter, the latter of which was an idea I'd planted in his head but the Batman toy was something he picked out of the Toys R Us catalog way back around Thanksgiving.  Becca simply said "Dora" when asked what she wanted for Christmas, also the product of a little coaching but I knew that was a word she could actually say from her limited vocabulary and something that would make her happy.

Ben woke up about 6:45 on Christmas morning, not realizing it was that late since it was still fairly dark outside.  He asked if Santa had come and I said I didn't know yet.  He laid awake for a few minutes.  When I saw he wasn't going back to sleep, I asked if he wanted to go downstairs to see, and of course he said yes.  He was so excited when got downstairs, seeing his Batman toy and scooter.  He was also very excited about his Batman pajamas, something he'd thrown a fit about in Walmart a few days earlier because I woudn't buy them for him (and he'd remembered how much he wanted them).  Becca was excited too, about her Dora doll and surprisingly super excited about her Tervis cup! (Ben has had one for a year already, which was probably part of it!).  She had to drink from it right away.

Ben also got a pirate puzzle, a construction road rug, and Uncle Remus Stories from Santa and from Mom and Dad a pizza making toy, a doctors kit and a Mickey Mouse pirate ornament that I bought on our trip to Disney earlier this year.  Rebecca got a dollhouse, rain boots, and a book from Santa, and then cutting vegetables, a portable white board and magnetic chalk board, and a new red winter coat from Mom and Dad. Ben's stocking had a new Thomas train, a child size coffee cup (so Ben can drink coffee with Daddy!).  Becca also got a coffee cup,Thomas train, and Dora toothbrush and toothpaste in her stockng.  They both got a pair of child's scissors in their stockings.  Ben really enjoys practicing with scissors and Santa thought they both could use a pair especially made for their little hands.

After Christmas morning at our house, we set out for Grandma Nita's and Popa Joe's to see them and aunts, uncles, and cousins.  The kids, especially Ben, enjoyed the chaos of opening gifts in Grandma's sun room.  Ben especially liked his race car and mini track from Allie and Henry, pirate ship bath toy from the Womack's, and boxing gloves and punching bag from the Grubbs'.  Becca was content to just sit in my lap, likely because she was overdue for her nap.  But she got some nice gifts too including bath toys from the Womacks, a Madame Alexander doll from the Grubbs', and a fleece jacket from Allie and Henry.  Grandma Nita gave them several kitchen toys including a coffee maker, a mixer, and some play food!  Grandma Nita gave Ben a big truck with compartments on each side to put matchbox cars.  Ben had a breakdown when Kelly tried to play with him, so Daddy had to take him back to the bedroom to calm him down.  After a light lunch, Becca and Scott went down for naps. After their nap, we tried to go to Great Grandma Hazlegrove's, but Ben refused to put on his coat, saying he didn't like it being puffy.  He ended up staying back and Glenda put him down for a late afternoon nap while the three of us went to see Great Grandma, who looked more alert and healthy than we'd seen her in a few weeks.  Two weeks earlier, we'd come for a visit, partly because she'd had a bad spell and wasn't doing well, but she looked great on Christmas.

We had dinner at Grandma Nita's, changed into pajamas, and headed back to Richmond between 8-9pm Christmas night.  The rest of the week was spent playing with new Christmas toys, and a visit each with Lara and Jennifer.  At the end of the week, we went back for a visit at Grandma Nita's for an overnight stay, partly because Ben still loves to "sleep there".  We took the second half of our gingerbread man dough, and baked and shared cookies with Chase and Cal, Jordan, and Kelly.  Ben ate so many gingerbread cookies that he was hardly hungry for dinner Friday night.  Saturday was breakfast at Lacie's house where both Ben and Becca were proud to be members of the clean plate club, playing with Kelly while Lacie and I went to Farmville, and the Peter Pan storybook read by Grandma Nita before nap.  Apparently Ben woke Becca up after she nodded off, with him saying she was missing the story!  After nap, we headed back to Richmond to see Daddy.  Glenda and Chase stopped by for a visit and pizza Saturday night after their trip to Short Pump mall, with plenty of stories to tell about Chase's "mall date" with a girl.  Then Lacie and the kids came for a visit Sunday afternoon.  The kids all had a great time playing in the basement together and were very good at Mexico for dinner.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14, 2012

I've been oficially off from work for the last 2 weeks, starting the beginning of August.  It's amazing how busy we've stayed.  On days we've been at home, we've usually done something in the morning and the afternoon, squeezing a nap in between.  We've gone to the playground a few times in the morning, and the Children's museum once since Maribeth's visit.  At the Children's Museum, Ben had his heart set on riding on the front car of the Animal Train, but we were sitting in another seat during our first ride.  Ben cried in disappointment.  Thank goodness, he managed to get the front seat with another little boy his age after waiting in line a second time.  He was so pleased with his good fortune!

Several afternoons have included trips to the pool.  Ben has gotten braver and braver over the course of the summer.  Now he usually jumps in without me catching him, and often asks me to stand far away while he jumps.  Last night, we took both of them to the pool after dinner and Ben jumped some in the deep end, where he definitely couldn't reach, without me holding him.  He could swim up to the surface after his jump, but I don't think could stay on the surface, so I would grab onto him to keep him up.  He was very proud of himself.  When he was swimming underwater in the deep end (for the few seconds that he would  swim without bobbing his head back above water), he would come back up the the biggest smile I've ever seen  on him and his eyes wide as saucers...which looked pretty cute behind his green goggles.  Becca has a great time at the pool too, usually treading water in her floaty.  Ben has been refusing to wear a floatie or life jacket, because it prevents him from swimming underwater.  He likes to retrieve toys from the bottom, usually with my help because he doesn't know how to swim down to the bottom by himself.

Ben and Becca have also enjoyed a couple of trips to Short Pump mall, one to have lunch at CPK with Jennifer, Emily, and Meghan and once to see Nutzy at the Food Court.  At lunch, Ben and Becca were both rather shy, with Ben opening up over the course of the meal.  He started talking and playing with Emily.  Meghan tried to play with Becca, but she wasn't very interested and tried to push Meghan out of our side fo the booth.  Trips to the mall usually include a ride on the train and some play time in the miniature store and train station.

We've gone to my parents to visit the farm for 2 days at a time twice now.  Ben loves staying the night now, and asks "are we going to sleep there" when we go.  Ben and Becca did great the first time, sleeping together in my old bed.  The second trip wasn't quite as good, with each of them waking up at least once during the night and me jumping from Jody's bedroom to mine a couple of times to settle them down.  Our days were filled with alot of activity.  Ben rode in the corn chopper on both visits, which were planned around the corn chopping schedule.  Ben also rode in the tractor on our 2nd visit.  Although the rides put him to sleep, I think he really enjoyed the new adventures.  We also played on Kelly's and Grandma Nita's swing sets, helped Nita make french toast, played hide and seek and with Chooch the Train, visited Aunt Pauline, and of course got lots of time in the pool with all the cousins, even Chase and Lottie Mae.  We also visited the chickens, pigs, and cows at the farm...once gathering almost 3 dozen eggs from the chicken house.  Ben and Kelly went on a ride with Papa Joe in the truck while Becca and I heated some soup for Grandma Hazlegrove.  When it was time to go home the end of our 2nd day, Ben had been having such a good time he asked if we could sleep there 2 nights!